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Trailer City at Sandtown Middle School

UPDATE: All Sandtown trailers were removed in the Summer of 2007 due to the new South Fulton Middle School!!

Last August I sent the attached email to the Fulton School Board about trailers in a new school after one year.  At the time the issue was five doublewide trailers in the second school year of a brand new school.

Drive by the school for a reality check on how the Fulton County School Board is dealing with their ineptness in planning for the obvious growth in South Fulton. Thanks to under-forecasting, construction moratoriums, financial audits, fraud investigations, outsourcing transition and board apathy about school needs in South Fulton there are now fourteen doublewide trailers filling the entire leftmost parking area in front of the school.  This is in the third school year!!

Here is some dated history on how we got here I have heard there are discussions about solutions, but thus far there is no commitment financial or otherwise from the school board. Until there is real commitment to solutions, I will not share "more promises" Here is what you can do about it!

Photograph courtesy of James Reese

This 2005 aerial picture above shows the parking lot at Sandtown Middle School before the first onslaught of trailers. The entire area to the right with the red line around it represents the area now occupied by 14 trailers (9 new ones just installed). 

Your Homework assignment:

 Email the Superintendent and the school board and ASK THEM:

1.      Where the 140+ staff members will park now that there are less than 65 parking spaces.  Where will parents park?

2.      Why with 28 classrooms (14 doublewide trailers) in the parking lot they are not adding any surveillance cameras or a third school police officer.  When someone is assaulted out of sight behind a trailer will they do something then? Remember Columbine?

3.      Where they are in addressing emergency access to a school with one road in and out with at least 1,800+ projected this fall.

4.      How do they plan to feed 400-500 additional students when with 1,500 lunch has to start at 10:30 AM?  The Fire Department’s maximum capacity for the cafeteria is 421.  Do the math 2000/421….. see the amount of time lunch takes place versus education instruction time.

5.      Ask them whether the new Jones Hall Middle School is on schedule to provide overcrowding relief and when… 2007, 2008?

6.      Ask them whether they will re-consider redistricting without a new school opening as they did with Autry Mill in North Fulton.  The school board projects 955 at Camp Creek MS this fall and 1,832 at Sandtown MS – does this make sense?

7.      Ask them if they are revising their enrollment projections upward in light of the recent discovery by the tax assessors that growth in South Fulton was underestimated adding $34 million to the county’s budget.

